We have a responsibility to protect you, ourselves, and each other. We appreciate that you may have waited a long time for your appointment due to the outbreak of Covid-19 and the lock-down restrictions forcing our closure.
However, It is imperative that we trade safely mitigating the risk of spreading the Covid-19 infection.
We have carried out a risk assessment to help minimise and manage the risk to the lowest reasonable practicable level and taken preventative measures.
We are strictly following government guidelines and will appreciate your cooperation, support and understanding in the importance of implementing these guidelines.
We have always and will continue to run a ‘By appointment only’ booking system. Please do not drop in to make an appointment but instead either call, email or contact us via our social media platforms, and we will be happy to assist you with your inquiry. For product purchases we have launched our online shop (to avoid the delivery change The Fold Farm Shop is our collection point).
We kindly ask you to please ensure you are on time for your appointment, not early or late. We have removed our waiting area to ensure space for social distancing.
You must come alone to your appointment. If an appointment has been booked back to back with another person in your household only one of you will be permitted to enter at a time. The other household member can utilise the lovely facilities The Fold has to offer. You will be given individual slots, and the same procedures as set out below will need to be followed.
Please do not bring children unless they have an appointment or your dog for the time being. We are a family and dog friendly salon and will miss our little two and four legged friends visiting! This measure has been put in place to protect them as much as our clients, as there is no room to socially distance.
If you are feeling unwell or experiencing any of the symptoms below you must not attend your appointment, even if your symptoms are mild. Please call and we will reschedule as soon as possible, but no sooner than 14 days from the onset of symptoms.
Sore Throat
Onset of a new continuous cough
High temperature
A noted loss or change in normal sense of smell/taste
Upon arrival to the salon you will be greeted outside the entrance of the salon by your stylist, who will be wearing a visor or goggles, a mask, fresh apron and clean gloves. You will be asked if you are experiencing any of the symptoms listed above. You may be asked if we can take your temperature. If you have any of the symptoms above, a raised temperature reading, or in extreme circumstances we feel uncomfortable with your state of health we reserve the right to refuse to provide you with a hairdressing service that day, and will advise you to re book at a later date.
You will be asked to kindly sanitise your hands using the sanitiser provided (Which is of course cruelty free and vegan friendly).
It is now compulsory to wear a mask. We understand that certain health conditions can be exasperated with the wearing of masks, and so therefore will be exempt from wearing one, you are still welcome in the salon, no questions asked. If you forget to bring a mask don't worry, we can provide a medical grade 3 ply mask for a small contribution of £2. Being an environmentally conscious salon we encourage clients to wear washable, reusable masks where possible.
Please refrain from touching your face throughout your treatment.
Please bring bare essentials with you. We no longer provide a coat hanging area, so a light fold-able jacket which you can slip into your bag is advisable.
Your stylist will guide you to your station, where a brief consultation will be carried out.
Your stylist will as always use clean laundered towels, and a fresh clean laundered gown for each individual. We are avoiding single use plastics, and single use PPE (accept the masks we provide) as we consider it unnecessary and environmentally damaging. Dirty laundry will be disposed of in an appropriate manner and washed at the recommended temperature of at least 60 degrees with a suitable detergent and an extra rinse at the end of the cycle.
Your stylist will change her PPE fresh for your arrival and in between clients, then reusable aprons will be washed in the same way as above.
All our tools and equipment including all brushes, combs, clippers and scissors will be disinfected in between clients. Basins, work stations, chairs, hairdryers, mirrors, and pinch points; including reception bench and the card processing machine will be sanitised in between clients.
Your stylist will frequently wash their hands, and avoid touching their face.
We have installed a sneeze/cough guard in between our basins, and where there is a little less than 2 meters between clients.
Stylist will work in their designated areas, with cross over only when absolutely necessary.
We no longer provide any refreshments at all. Please feel free to bring your own hot or cold drinks, in a covered cup/bottle or you can purchase a fabulous Fold refreshment to take away from our wonderful Café. No snacks until further notice please.
We no longer provide magazines, but will provide you with FREE WiFi
We no longer offer dry cuts. However we offer a cleanse, cut and blast dry for those who do not require blow dries and styling.
We no longer accept cash payments. We have a card processing machine which accepts all major credit/debit cards (accept American Express), as well as ApplePay.